Saturday, March 29, 2014

Gathering the Right Tools for Ethical Hacking

Every job requires the right tools. Selecting and preparing the proper security testing tools is a critical component of the ethical-hacking process. If you’re not prepared, you’ll most likely spin your wheels and not get the desired results.

Just because a wireless hacking tool is designed to perform a certain test, that doesn’t mean it will. You may have to tweak your settings or find another tool altogether. Also keep in mind that you sometimes have to take the output of your tools with a grain of salt. 

There’s always the potential for false positives (showing there’s a vulnerability when there’s not) and even false negatives (showing there’s no vulnerability when there is). The following tools are some of our favorites for testing wireless networks and are essential for performing wireless hacking tests:

  • Google — yep, this Web site is a great tool
  • Laptop computer
  • Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite receiver
  • Network Stumbler network stumbling software
  • Kismet
  • AiroPeek network-analysis software
  • QualysGuard vulnerability-assessment software
  • WEPcrack encryption cracking software
  • Aerosol, Airosniff, Airscanner
  • APsniff, BSD-Airtools
  • Dstumbler 
  • Gwireless 
  • iStumbler
  • KisMAC
  • MacStumbler
  • MiniStumbler 
  • Mognet
  • PocketWarrior
  • pocketWiNc
  • THC-Scan
  • THCWarDrive
  • Radiate
  • WarLinux
  • Wellenreiter WiStumbler
  • Wlandump

You can’t do without good security-testing tools, but no one of them is “the” silver bullet for finding and killing off all your wireless network’s vulnerabilities. A trained eye and a good mix of tools is the best combination for finding the greatest number of weaknesses in your systems. 

It’s critical that you understand how to use your various tools for the specific tests you’ll be running. This may include something as informal as playing around with the tools or something as formal as taking a training class. Don’t worry, we’ll show you how to work the basics when we walk you through specific tests

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