Saturday, May 3, 2014

Using Encrypted Passwords

Another solution is to use encrypted passwords over the network. You must use caution, however, when simplifying this technique. Even with encryption, a sniffer can still record the encrypted password and decipher the encrypted password at his or her leisure. One way  round
this is to use an encryption key that involves the current time. If the sender and receiver are closely synchronized, the sniffer must replay the encrypted password within one tick of the two machines’ shared clock. If the sender and receiver are widely separated, however, this  technique becomes less practical and effective because shared clocks will lack sufficient time resolution to prevent an attacker from using a quick replay. One way around this lack of close synchronization is to set a limited number of attempts at typing the password correctly.

It also does not suffice to simply encrypt the password with an algorithm using a key that allows an attacker to determine the encryption key. The attacker would decrypt it for repeated use at a later time. Some protocols use an encryption technique equivalent to the one used by the Unix password program when it stores passwords in the password file. This encryption technique is no longer considered particularly secure against brute force cryptographic attacks where all likely passwords are encrypted with the same algorithm used by the password file.

Any two words that encrypt the same must be the same. Hence, poorly chosen (for example, dictionary words) or short passwords are particularly easy to crack by brute force. What is required is the use of public key cryptography such as PGP. In public key cryptography (also called asymmetric cryptography), you use separate keys for encryption and decryption—the decryption key is not computable from the encryption key. The server can send the client its public key and the client can use that key to encrypt the user password.

The server then decrypts the password to verify the authenticity of the user. This is a variation on the classic public key system in which a trustworthy third party holds the public keys, but it simplifies the case when no mutually trusted third party is available. It also allows the server to use a time-dependent public key to prevent password replay or brute force decryption of a relatively short password.

The use of Kerberos also prevents cleartext passwords from being sent across the network. Kerberos is a comprehensive authentication system using a sophisticated time varying encryption algorithm and requires that both systems at the ends of a communication connection trust a separate security server to negotiate the authentication. This avoids having servers trust clients to do the authentication, as the rlogin protocol must do. See Chapter 9 for more information on Kerberos.

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